Comprehensive Blog Glossary aka a "Blogssary"

In the blogging world there are all sort of unique terminology (like Kizzog) and abbreviations for just about any task, service or product. To help keep you up-to-date on the words and there meanings we have created a comprehensive blog glossary or "blogssary" as it's know in the blogging world. This list is by all means not a complete list however, it does provide most of the common phrases or words you may come across. If you feel we have missed a word please feel free to contact us so it may be added to our list. Our friends at Dallas SEO have helped contribute to this great list of glossary terms.


  • Autocasting - The automated method of podcasting
  • Audioblogging - Recording one's blogs via an audio system and then posting them for download (usually as an MP3 file)
  • Archives - The collection of your individual weblog posts grouped together by date. Can be collected into larger files of all the posts in a week a month or a year.
  • Analytics - Tools for tracking the traffic to websites.
  • Adbrite - Company used to sell advertising to generate income on websites and weblogs.
  • Atom - A form of web feed that allows the syndication of web content. Similar to RSS.
  • Anonoblog - A weblog whose author is anonymous.
  • A-List - The most influential webloggers in the Blogosphere.
  • Adsense - Advertising that matches the content of your website to generate relevant contextual links in the form of advertising. This program is the leader in it's field and is offered by Google.




  • Blog - popular slang term for Weblog
  • Blogging - the act of recording something in one's blog
  • Blogger - an individual who maintains one or more weblogs
  • Blogosphere - The larger community that is made up of individual bloggers.
  • Blogcasting - Using a single website to host and promote both a blog and a podcast simultaneously.
  • Blogroll - Links to other websites usually blogs that are regularly read by the weblog author that is usually placed on a weblog's sidebar.
  • Blogger - cost-free weblog platform offered by Google.
  • Blogspot - the free web hosting offered to Blogger users.
  • Blawg - A weblog that centers on legal issues or is authored by a lawyer.
  • BlogThis - A method by which a button in an individual's internet browser bar allows the user to quickly post a blog entry about a site they are currently viewing.
  • Blogstipation - The weblogger's version of writer's block when a Blogger can't think of a subject for a blog post.
  • Blogathy - The Blogger's version of apathy not wanting to post and not caring about not wanting to post.
  • Blogopotamus - An extra long weblog post.
  • Blogorrhea - An unusually high amount of posting from a weblog author.
  • Bleg - The act of a person using his/her weblog to beg for help from site readers.
  • Blego - Combination of the words "blog" and "ego". How a weblogger measures his/her blogging worth.
  • Blog Hopping - The act of randomly visiting one weblog after another.
  • Blogroach - A person who rudely disagrees with a weblogger's point of view and uses the comments section of a blog post to publish their disagreements.
  • Blogoholic - A person who has become addicted to the act of weblogging
  • Blogorific - Blog writers' slang for "terrific"
  • Blogsit - The act of maintaining a weblog while the weblog's owner isn't available to do so.
  • Blogvertising - The act of advertising on a weblog.
  • Blurker - A regular reader of certain blogs who does not contribute comments to blog posts.
  • Blogathon - A weblogging marathon in which a weblog owner puts a new weblog post up every thirty minutes during a set twenty four hour period. Often used to raise money for charity. Weblog owners can collect sponsorships for the number of posts they write.
  • Blogiversary - The anniversary of the day on which a weblog begins.
  • Blog Carnival - A weblog that promotes and links to other blogs or blog posts that surround a central topic or theme.
  • Blog Tipping - The practice of complimenting three weblogs on the first day of each month.
  • Blogger Bash - A party for webloggers.
  • Blogads - Method by which to generate income from advertising on weblogs.
  • Blogstorm - A flurry of posting and commenting within the Blogosphere surrounding a specific situation.
  • Blogsnob - A weblogger who will not respond to blog comments that are not from people the weblogger knows.
  • Blogophobia - The fear of weblogs and the act of weblogging.
  • Bloggerel - The act of repeatedly posting the same opinion on a single weblog.
  • Blogsite - A website that uses multiple weblog feeds and posts them all on a single site.
  • Blognoscenti - A Weblogger who is well versed in a certain subject.
  • Blogebrity - A Weblogger who is famous within the Blogosphere.
  • Blogerati - The select intelligentsia of the Blogosphere.
  • Blogther - A fellow weblogger.
  • Blogstar - A weblogger who maintains a very popular weblog.
  • Bloggies - Annual awards for Blogging.
  • BSM - Blogstream Media. Information from the weblogs that get the most traffic.
  • Blog Day - August 31. The day when webloggers are supposed to leave comments on five weblogs that they find interesting.
  • Blaudience - The audience of a weblog
  • Blogclicker - Weblog traffic generator and traffic exchange service.
  • Blargon - Weblogging Slang
  • Blogssary - A glossary of weblogging slang.
  • Blogiverse - Another term for Blogosphere
  • Blogonomics - A weblogging conference that took place during a Weblogger's Cruise in 2006.
  • Blog of Note - A popular and highly recommended Blog.
  • Blook - A weblog that has been made into a book.
  • Blammer - A spammer of Weblogs.
  • Blogiday - A holiday from posting to one's weblog.
  • Bloglines - News Aggregator that display syndicated content from a weblog's syndication feed. Can be used via the internet or with downloaded software.
  • b5media - Weblogging networks. A collection of many blogs on a variety of subjects. Sometimes offers advertising revenue sharing among contributors.
  • Blogexplosion - Weblog traffic generator and traffic exchange service.
  • Blogburst - The act of sending out your weblog syndication feed to the top publishers.
  • Bloggeropoly - A recruiting agency for Professional Bloggers.
  • Blogger code - A code that helps to describe different types of webloggers.
  • Bloggoggle - The Directory of Blogging Professionals
  • BlogHer - An annual conference for female Webloggers.


  • Categories - The label given to blog posts that are of the same subject matter or nature.
  • Comments - Feedback left by visitors to a weblog on a weblog's posts/entries.
  • Captcha - The code that must be typed in after leaving a comment on a weblog to prove that you are a human and not a spider/bot trolling for advertising space. Uses combinations of words and letters.
  • Celeblog - A weblog that focuses on a specific celebrity.
  • Celebriblog - A weblog that is written by a celebrity.
  • Chitka - Company used to sell advertising to generate income on websites and weblogs.
  • Clog Blog - A weblog written primarily in Dutch or about the Netherlands.
  • CEOBlog - A weblog that is maintained by a company's Chief Executive Officer for other Chief Executive Officers of the same company.
  • Commenter - A person who leaves a comment on a weblog post.
  • CJ - Company used to sell affiliate advertising to generate income on websites and weblogs.
  • Commentariat - The community of weblog readers who regularly leave comments on one's weblog.
  • Creative Commons - A copyright license that can provide a range of protections and freedoms for different types of authors who want to offer a voluntary "some rights reserved" approach to their content.
  • CoComment - A comment tracking conversation following system.


  • Dashboard - The front page of your blogging platform. Allows easy access to new post creation, weblog settings, account information, etc.
  • Dark Blog - A private weblog that is not viewable by the public.
  • Doppelblogger - The act of blatantly plagiarizing another weblog's content.
  • Dooced - To lose one's job because of his/her weblog. Named after famed blogger Heather B. Armstrong's blog: Dooce.
  • - Social Bookmark sharing tools


  • Expandable Post Summaries - A method by which a weblog author chooses only to show a small excerpt from a blog post on the front page/index page of his/her weblog. Contains a link to the rest of the post.
  • Event Blog - A weblog that focuses on local events.
  • Entry - An article in a weblog
  • Edu Blog - A weblog that centers on education topics.
  • EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation. A nonprofit that is dedicated to protecting the rights of Webloggers.
  • Ecto - Tools for desktop publishing.


  • Footer - Appears at the bottom of a web page and usually contains copyright information and navigation links for the rest of the site. Can also be used in the bottom of a blog post to list comments, publishing date, categories, etc.
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol, the method by which files are added and deleted from your hosting account. Often uses software programs similar to Filezilla.
  • Furl - Social Bookmark sharing tools
  • Feedburner - Popular weblog feed management service.
  • Feedblitz - Tool for managing E-mail subscriptions and newsletters.
  • Flickr - Services for sharing and hosting photos on the internet. Provides a feed for weblogs.


  • Group Blog - A weblog that is contributed to by multiple authors.
  • Google - The most popular search engine.
  • GAD - Also called Google Adsense Disorder. The act of continuously checking on your Google Adsense earnings.


  • Header - The top of a web page—in blogging it usually consists of a graphic or text that display the blog's title and description.
  • Hitnosis - The act of continuously refreshing your internet browser to see if your weblog statistics have changed.
  • Hat Tip - The act of acknowledging a source that tipped you off to something.
  • Haloscan - A free commenting and trackback service for website and weblog owners.


  • Index Page - the front page of a website
  • Icerocket - Weblog Search Engines.
  • Imageshack - Services for sharing and hosting photos on the internet. Provides a feed for weblogs.


  • Jump - the method by which space is saved on a weblog's index page—see Expandable Post Summaries.


  • Kizzog - Blogs about or for kids created by
  • Kittyblogger - A weblog writer who writes primarily about cats.
  • Klog - A weblog that is used by workers in the knowledge industry.
  • Kinja - News Aggregator that display syndicated content from a weblog's syndication feed. Can be used via the internet or with downloaded software.


  • LiveJournal - A cost-free weblog tool offered by SixApart
  • Linguablog - A weblog centering on the subjects of language, translation and linguistics.
  • Linkbaiting - The act of trying to write good weblog content with the intent of having other websites link to that content.
  • Live Bookmarks - A feature of the Firefox web browser. Automatically updates with the World Wide Web's most recent content additions.


  • Moblogging - A weblog that is maintained and posted to with a mobile phone. Sometimes referred to as moblogs.
  • Movable Type - a fee-based blogging platform offered by SixApart that can be downloaded and installed on your web host.
  • Movlogs - Weblogs primarily about movies and videos.
  • Mybloglog - Tools for tracking the traffic to websites.
  • Metablog - A weblog about weblogging.
  • Milblog - A weblog that focuses on the military or is authored by someone in the military.
  • Metablogging - Writing blog posts or articles on the subject of blogging.
  • Measuremap - Tools for tracking the traffic to websites.
  • Multiblog - The act of maintaining multiple weblogs.
  • MSM - The Mainstream Media—newspapers, radio, television.
  • MSN - The third most popular search engine.
  • Mint - Tools for tracking the traffic to websites.


  • Navbar - The Navigation Bar that is usually put on the top of weblogs hosted with Blogger's free web hosting.
  • Newsvine - Tracks multiple weblog feeds on a single page using modules.
  • Newsgator - News Aggregators that display syndicated content from a weblog's syndication feed. Can be used via the internet or with downloaded software.



  • OPML - Stands for Outline Processor Markup Language. A method of using XML for outlines and allows users to import and export multiple blog feeds between a variety of aggregators.
  • Odeo - Podcatcher , a method of downloading podcasts that have been syndicated and can sometimes be transferred to a portable device.
  • Opera - A web browser developed by the Opera Software Company.


  • Photoblogging - A weblog that is used mainly to display one's photographs and custom images.
  • Podcasting - The act of using the internet to distribute audio and video files via a "feed" for individual playback on computers and mobile devices.
  • Post - An article in a weblog
  • Ping - "Packet Internet Grouper." Used to alert blog tracking platforms and tools to changes to a weblog (like a new post).
  • Pingback - Another term for trackback
  • Permalink - the URL given to each individual post on a weblog that allows others to link to specific posts within a weblog.
  • Plugins - Files and code that can improve the sight and function of a weblog. Wordpress, especially, is known for its plugins
  • Photofeed - A method of web syndication that was made for images.
  • Podnova - Podcatcher , a method of downloading podcasts that have been syndicated and can sometimes be transferred to a portable device.
  • Pingoat - Sends a single ping to multiple weblog tracking and syndication services.
  • Plog - A weblog that centers on a specific project. Also used by for individual weblogs.
  • Progblog - A weblog that centers on progressive topics.
  • Photocast - A feed that is automatically updated whenever new content is added to the author's photoblog.
  • Problogger - A Professional Weblogger
  • Pageflakes - Tracks multiple weblog feeds on a single page using modules.
  • Pingomatic - Sends a single ping to multiple weblog tracking and syndication services.



  • Qumanna - Tools for desktop publishing.


  • RSS - A web feed format that is used to syndicate web content. Stands for Really Simple Syndication.
  • RDF - Stands for "Resource Description Framework" a method for the syndication of website content.
  • Radio Userland - An older, weblog publishing tool.
  • Rojo - News Aggregator that display syndicated content from a weblog's syndication feed. Can be used via the internet or with downloaded software.
  • Rapidshare - Internet video sharing services that allow their videos to be embedded in weblog posts.
  • Reciprocal Links - The act in which webloggers post links to each other's websites. Also referred to as "link love." It is used to improve a weblog's ranking in the search engines.


  • Sidebar - A column (or more than one column) that is displayed next to the main column of a blog. Usually contains extra information about the blog and the blogger. Sometimes used for advertising.
  • Sideblog - A shorter, smaller weblog that can be displayed within the sidebar section of a person's regular weblog.
  • Splog - A Weblog created solely for the purpose of selling advertising space. Also known as a weblog that publishes content stolen from other sites.
  • Spurl - Social Bookmark sharing tools
  • Shocklog - A weblog that posts shocking content in an effort to force its readers to comment/discuss the post's material.
  • Spomments - Comment Spam.
  • SOB - Successful and Outstanding Blogger.
  • Sphere - Weblog Search Engines.
  • Search Engine Optimization - The process of optimizing your website to get more visitors from the search engines.
  • Spam - Unwated email or comment usually linking to promote the spammers website


  • Trackback - A ping that is sent from one weblog to another when references or links are created.
  • Tags - Method of labelling or using keywords to group together certain blog posts for search engines.
  • Tag Cloud - A display or a list of the tags and keywords used by a blog.
  • Template - A design guideline for weblogs.
  • Theme - Designs for blogging software, usually with Worpdress.
  • Typepad - A fee-based blogging platform offered by SixApart.
  • Tech Blog - A weblog that centers on specific technical subjects.
  • Technorati - A weblog search engine that keeps track of the goings on of the Blogosphere in Real Time and provides an "authority ranking" for each blog in the blogosphere based on it's links.



  • Vlogging - Video blogging, the act in which a person records a blog post with video images instead of using text or audio methods.


  • Weblog - A personal journal dedicated to the topic of one's choice that is kept online with entries ("posts") listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest entry at the top of the page.
  • Web Feed - A method that allows website visitors to subscribe to a site they visit regularly without having to visit the site every time new content is added.
  • - A cost-free weblog platform that can be downloaded and installed on your web host
  • - A cost-free weblog platform similar to Blogger.
  • WBloggar - Tools for desktop publishing.



  • XML - Stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is a type of coding language that is used by weblogs syndication services.
  • XFN - XHTML Friends Network. A method in which human relationships are illustrated with hyperlinks.


  • YouTube - Internet video sharing services that allow their videos to be embedded in weblog posts.
  • Yahoo - The 2nd most popular search engine.


  • Zokooda - Tool for managing E-mail subscriptions and newsletters.

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